Episode 4: Crafting the Essence of You with Katie Lynn

May 15, 2024 Katie Lynn Rojano Season 1 Episode 4

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Have you ever stood at the crossroads of who you are and who you want to be? This episode is a deep dive into the transformative journey women navigate, as I, Katie Lynn, with two decades of expertise in psychology and human behavior, guide you through the complexities and triumphs of personal evolution. We'll ponder the intense relationship between body image and self-worth, the enlightening chaos of motherhood, and the unparalleled opportunity for growth that each of these experiences presents. It's a candid discussion on shaping not just our actions, but the very essence of who we are, ensuring each step forward is taken with intentionality and aligned with our deepest desires.

As we forge ahead, the episode unfurls a roadmap for self-exploration and growth, inviting you to conduct a personal inventory that transcends traditional roles and societal expectations. I urge you to embrace the hidden parts of your identity, navigate the choppy waters of choice and self-sabotage, and stake a claim on the decisions that define a liberated life. Drawing on powerful narratives from guests who have walked these paths, this conversation is a beacon for those ready to actively craft their future selves. Your feedback and experiences are critical to this shared journey, so join us as we explore not just the act of transformation, but the art of flourishing in its wake.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, my friend, and welcome to Beyond, the personal growth podcast for the people who are healing beyond their conditioning and beyond the cycles that played out before them. My name is Katie Lynn and, with 20 years of experience in the field of psychology and human behavior, I am bringing my natural curiosity, expertise and personal life experiences here for discussions that are guaranteed to be informative, inspiring and entertaining. I'm glad you're here. Let's get started. So the first three episodes of the Beyond Podcast are live and if you have not listened to them, I encourage you to go back and give each one a listen. Comment on which episodes resonate the most for you and what parts of each episode resonate the most. As a coach who has worked with women for the last seven years, I thought it might be helpful to do a solo episode on the themes that might stand out for you, having listened to the first three episodes. So in our first episode we talked about the body struggle and having gone through phases of being super fit and then, sort of quote unquote losing that fitness and then, you know, working to end the pattern of self-sabotage and really land in a place that is consistent and committed to the routines and the practices that really honor the self-care that we deserve. And in the second episode we talked about the themes of achievement and how achievement can become a very sneaky way of informing our worthiness and our identity in the world, especially growing up in the context of a culture that really values independence and, in some cases, hyper-independence out of its women. And the third episode is all about the trauma that was involved in a birthing experience and how to navigate that, as you are also navigating family dynamics and being a wife and being a new mother and whatever other roles are calling to you as you find yourself in this new reality and really that's the theme that I wanted to tap into today is this idea of a new reality and a new reality for ourselves as we go in and out of these life phases. And what I really truly deeply believe about women is that the ultimate theme of being a woman is how courageously and how boldly and consistently can you transform your identity, because that is essentially what it means, in my opinion, to be a woman you are, we are only ever transforming and evolving and growing, and I think this is reflected not just in our life cycle. I think it's also reflected in just our natural cycle of our body and its rhythms and how, every single month, there is a cycle that's happening of beginnings and endings and middle phases.

Speaker 1:

And when we think about transformation as a woman, there's one thing I want you to really remember and put to the forefront of your thought process, and that is that, as women, we are highly adaptable, and this is something that can be be used for ourselves and it could also work against us, because our adaptability is that we can really become whoever we need to be for the circumstance at hand, which can really be effective if we're talking about building communities, if we're talking about building businesses, if we're talking about, you know, tending to situations that might be stressful or acute. However, over the long term, we also get to remember that we're highly adaptable to it by nature, and so we. It's important for us to keep a pulse on that adaptability and ask ourselves what, what we may have adapted to that we didn't mean to, that, maybe ran unconsciously, and now we're catching it and going, oh shoot, I adapted to that and I didn't really mean to adapt to that. And it's common for me to hear women say you know, I was in a relationship and, I quote, lost myself in that relationship and what I hear in when a woman shares that with me, as I hear that she adapted and didn't and didn't have the awareness of checking on that and and being like, oh, is this, you know? Checking in with herself and being like, is this really who I want it to be, is this really who I want it to become? And so, as we go through life, knowing that we can leverage that adaptability as a strong quality to know that, whatever we start, whatever ideas that we have, whatever dreams that we have, we can adapt to the circumstances that are required for us to bring those to fruition. And also knowing that whatever circumstance shows up or whatever relationship dynamic that we're facing, we can also adapt to it. So let's make sure that we go in with awareness, let's make sure that we go in with discernment and clarity.

Speaker 1:

Transformations, no matter if it's with your physical body and your health, no matter if it's with achievements and career and family changes, no matter if it's going through birth and being pregnant and going through the postpartum journey. As you are coming up against these new sort of portals of evolution for who you're becoming, I encourage you to take time out and you hear me share this on episode two and also episode three, but I encourage you to take time out and you hear me share this on episode two and also episode three. But I encourage you to take time out and let yourself create, like, create yourself ahead of time, and what I mean by that is in your mind's eye. Get out a journal, get out a piece of paper and really start to draw out, like this next version of you.

Speaker 1:

Who is she? And not just who is she in terms of like, name, career, achievements, beyond that, who is she and how does she be? What is her beingness like? And what I mean by beingness is like is she loving, is she gracious, is she fierce, is she steadfast, is she committed, is she loyal, is she discerning, is she tender? How does she show up to life when life knocks at her door, no matter who it is or what it is? And that will inform how you move through the process of becoming her, because what I noticed happens so quickly is that we start to navigate these periods of transition without developing an idea of the woman that we know we can become and we want to become, and so our default settings just inform every decision and we become very reactive and we spend time being reactive under the guise of we're so busy or we're overwhelmed, or we have so much going on or whatever you know.

Speaker 1:

Fill in that blank as to why we've been reactive. But that reactivity takes over and sometimes we don't come out of it for a couple of years. And so my intention, as I share this episode with you, this solo episode, and as I encourage you to go back and listen to the first three, is to ask yourself, urge you to go back and listen to the first three, is to ask yourself in what ways have I adapted to my present, to the version of me now? In what ways have I adapted? Have I adapted in my job? Have I adapted in my relationships? Have I adapted in my dreams and my hobbies and my self-care? In what ways have I really adapted? And also, in what ways have I really adapted? And also, in what ways have I not adapted? In what ways have I clung to maybe some thought patterns or some habits or some beliefs that are outdated or expired or not, in alignment with the woman that I say that I want to be it, with the woman that I say that I want to be?

Speaker 1:

And then, as a next step, I would encourage you to take some time out and really draw out clearly who the woman is that you really feel called to grow into. And what I mean by grow into is from a place is, from a place of inspiration, from a place of. Let me try this next version of me on and let me bring her forward out into the world, because the the thing about women that I find so beautiful is our life journey is all about self-actualization and bringing, making sure that we've done our best to bring every archetype, every aspect of ourselves forward and allowed ourselves to be in our fullest expression, shamelessly, freely, like really liberating ourselves, and that liberation becomes our legacy. So it's interesting because when I talk to or listen to talk to men and listen to men talk to men and listen to men, because my husband works with men their legacy seems to be about what they provide for their families and for the generations that follow them, right, what they've created in terms of businesses and wealth and habits and those kinds of things, value systems, right Principles.

Speaker 1:

When they talk about legacy, that's what they're talking about, and when I talk to women and work with women, especially between the ages of like 35 and 45, there's this really magical thing that happens and it's almost like the woman wakes up to her mortality and wakes up to the awareness that she's in a really particular spot of wrapping up her childbearing years and her role as maybe a mother to younger children, or really seriously considering like becoming a mother, because this is the sort of end phase of the childbearing years and now is presented with this consideration of life as as the, the mother, and the mother who heads, you know, into eventually the crone and is no longer the maiden. Whether she has bared children or not, she's no longer the maiden. And it's fascinating because it's almost like, in this phase of life, whatever didn't get addressed in her early twenties for healing comes back around to greet her and she takes a look at it from a different perspective. And the perspective that I feel like she really starts to consider is what components of me have I allowed myself to suppress or put on the back burner or leave dormant, or what aspects of myself did I reject in service to the approval of others or to the validation of others, thinking that it would help people to love me more, to be more palatable for society, for the people in our lives, and whose approval did I put ahead of my own expression? And it's a beautiful journey.

Speaker 1:

It's a confronting journey because inevitably we realize that, oh my gosh, there's so much more to me. There is so much more to me than my career, there's so much more to me than my role as a mother, my role as a wife, my role as a daughter, and there's so much more to me that's asking to be expressed and embodied that I have either just forgotten about because I've been so focused on all these other titles and all these other roles, or I've actually intentionally suppressed it out of fear of judgment from others. What if it is too much? What if it is crazy? What if it is wild? What if it is unhinged, for lack of a better word.

Speaker 1:

And I really want to encourage you, if you resonate with any of this, to take an inventory of what aspects of you have you left untouched or have you rejected, or what aspects of you have you decided that they're too much or that they are inadequate, or that they're ineffective or just not good enough? And I'm going to encourage you to not necessarily go gung-ho and embrace all of them, but really take an inventory of what those aspects are and if you do want to explore them or not. And my intention here is to bring you to a point of conscious choice so that you can say I consciously said no to that, because in our early lives, in our teens and in our twenties, we often are so consumed with, like, the belonging and approval and then as we really grow and mature into the awareness that, like, wow, this life is is a thing that's moving and who do I want to be and what do I want to leave behind and what do I want to teach the world with my presence as we head into that life phase, I think our biggest, the thing that we're really working towards, is making sure that we minimize our regrets, that we minimize how much we give of ourselves in service to the appeasement of others and maximize how much we give of ourselves for the sake of ensuring that we don't have a whole lot of regret by the time that we reach our final breaths. As you listen to the first three episodes, you know, in the first episode I asked Amy you know how many more chapters are going to be written with the theme of self-sabotage In the second and third episodes, you know, I encourage Bree to really look at manifesting beyond what her dream was, because her dream became a reality. And so it's like what's next? From a heart-centered divine place, connect to God and ask what's next and allow yourself to be guided and allow yourself to be uplifted and creative in that process as a participant, as an active participant. And then in the third episode, I encourage Morgan to do the same thing. I encourage her to take some time and really think about you know where is this next chapter leading her and who is she going to be in it.

Speaker 1:

And I think too often one of the catalysts of regret is that we've just let our conditioning sort of take over and we've gone on autopilot and we've just spent our whole lives adapting rather than pausing for a moment or taking a step back and remembering that our power is, that we are highly adaptable and we do have the power, as women, of transformations, of birth and creativity and alchemy, and that we can be active participants in that and that, sure, there is a higher power that's governing everything, that that's working in service to our highest good. And how do we meet that higher power and say I'm here and I'm willing, I'm here and I'm willing to be an active participant and to look at the things that I may have judged as wrong or bad or negative or not good enough. And I'm here and I'm willing to be an active participant and to look at the things that I may have judged as wrong or bad or negative or not good enough, and I'm here to reevaluate them and take inventory so that, in this next phase of my life, I can be in a very clear, grounded place and say yes, that's me, I did that, I moved that way, I chose it. I can be in ownership, and being in ownership means that I'm liberated and I'm free. It I can be in ownership and being in ownership means that I'm liberated and I'm free, and I'm free to really enjoy every aspect of this human experience. That's the goal.

Speaker 1:

As we complete this episode. I would love to know your insights, takeaways and feedback. You can message me on Instagram, at katielinrojano, or send them via email to katie at katielinrojanocom. Any products or digital downloads I mention can be found via the link in my Instagram bio. If you enjoyed this episode, I encourage you to share it with at least one friend and leave a five-star review so we can get these impactful dialogues into the lives of even more people. I would also like to thank my guest for their vulnerability and generosity in allowing us to learn from them and grow alongside them. Until next time, friends, let's go beyond.